The Winds of Time

Posted by Jenny on Nov 9, 2012 in Snippets |

Winds of Time

I wrote this song last weekend as a tribute to my Dad, who I love very much. It was inspired by his current journey in the shadow lands of Alzheimer’s. When I was a child he was my hero and I will always appreciate the way he encouraged me to think and dream. I have a great respect for his integrity, his intelligence, his faith, his vision, his willingness to love and serve God, his compassion for the outsider and his intolerance of injustice. He has made a positive difference to the world around him whether that was as an engineer in Mt Isa and Zambia, running the book shop in Mt Isa or partnering with the church in Zambia and Zimbabwe. He has been a significant mover in the planting of three churches in Mt Isa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. As a father he could be strict or focused on goals outside the family, yet he could also be funny, instructive, gentle and affectionate. He had little patience for small talk or frivolities. Material wealth and position means little to him now as then. Over the last ten years, he has discovered the joys of tending the garden, of being still, and has revealed a gentler more social side to his nature. This is for my Dad.

Winds of Time


The winds of time flow aslant the land

Bringing rain, stealing soil and sand

As memory erodes and

Love just keeps on growing;

Faith is growing, flowing

The love just keeps on growing.

Verse One

Irish lad sweeps Capetown girl to

Yellow summer grass and grey icy rains.

The north wind blows with oven heat

Or bone gnawing sleet, windows rattle

In a red brick bungalow.

Markets crash, warring nations retreat

Axis powers are admitting defeat

And nine children on

The love is flowing, it just keeps on growing.


The winds of time flow aslant the land

Bringing rain, stealing soil and sand

As memory erodes and

Love just keeps on growing;

Faith is growing, flowing

The love just keeps on growing.

Verse Two

Westerly winds hum and whistle

Over rusty soils and rocky falls

Deep beneath the Spinifex bristles

Miners blast with monstrous machines

Extracting glowing ore in airless halls.

Sputnik speaks to Memphis beats

And young love meets ‘tween sacred walls.

Bright hope struggles

And the love is flowing, it appears to be going.


The winds of time flow aslant the land

Bringing rain, stealing soil and sand

As memory erodes and

Love just keeps on growing;

Faith is growing, flowing

The love just keeps on growing.

Verse Three

Dry leaves rattle on dormant trees

Waiting for the next season rains.

Flaming sun plunges through the molten sky

Gilding over hot African plains

Sultry winds bring thunderous storms

Dusty moon steps and freedom’s pains.

Ebony friends pile into the waiting wagon

With laughing children

Faith is growing and the love just keeps on flowing.


Bitter sweat

The memory erodes

As the winds are blowing, flowing

As the winds are going.


The winds of time flow aslant the land

Bringing rain, stealing soil and sand

As memory erodes and

Love just keeps on growing;

Faith is growing, flowing

The love just keeps on growing.

Verse Four

Bush turkeys scratch garden soils

Building mounds beneath Mt Cootha’s coils

Kookaburra laughter and Currawong calls

Across tree lined valleys and urban sprawls

And western winds announce the show

Sea breezes cooling heated cheeks.

Tragedy strikes, towers and terror fall

And life is finding repose

in the borderlands, and love just keeps on growing.


The winds of time flow aslant the land

Bringing rain, stealing soil and sand

As memory erodes and

Love just keeps on growing;

Faith is growing, flowing

The love just keeps on growing.


Bitter sweat

The memory erodes

As the winds are blowing, flowing

As the winds are going.


The winds of time flow aslant the land

Bringing rain and stealing soil and sand

As memory erodes and

Love just keeps on growing

As memory erodes

The winds of time are blowing

In the shadow lands

Love just keeps on growing

On the border lands

And the love keeps on growing,

The love is flowing, It’s going,

It keeps on growing, it’s flowing, growing.

© Jeanette O’Hagan 5 November 2012

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  • How beautiful! There is a picture of your father and the places he has lived plus conditions thereof, woven through the song. Alzheimer’s is sad for the loved ones who are the carer’s… Yet for the sufferer, they are in their own happy world untouched. I also have an elderly parent. My mother is ninety four and has a good mind, yet her body is failing. I praise God that we as Christians know to respect and love our parents, many people forget them. Hugs and blessings.

  • Jenny says:

    Thank you Crystal.

    My Dad does know his memory is fading though often not to the degree that it is. At times he struggles with that and not remembering being included in decision making or conversations. At other times he is at peace with his circumstances.

    I do thank God for both the present comfort and support for my Dad and us as his family as well as the future hope we have together when God will make all things new and there will be no more pain, disease or tears. Revelations 21:3-5


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