Posted by Jenny on Mar 10, 2012 in
I love waking up to Classic Breakfast each morning. A couple of mornings ago, (the morning before International Women’s Day), I was abruptly roused (in more ways than one) by the informational byte:
“What could we finally do [on this day in 1992]? Women were finally admitted to the priesthood in Australia with the ordination of [...]
Tags: first woman ordained in Baptist Church in Australia, first woman ordained in Congregational church Australia, first woman ordained in Methodist Church of Australia, first woman ordained in Presbyterian church of Australia, first woman ordained in Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia, first women ordained in Australia, first women ordained in Australia to the Anglican priesthood in 1992, first women ordained in Churches of Christ in Australia, number of ordained women in the Uniting Church of Australia at the time of union, ordination of women in Australia, women's role and contibution in the church