Scriptural Trimerics

Posted by Jenny on Feb 8, 2014 in Snippets |

Some time ago I confessed to you that I’m not really a poet. Poetry is something that has in the past surprised me usually at times of great emotion. Since then, I’ve found myself writing more and enjoying the form. Yes, I guess I’m a bit like a blindfolded child trying to pin the tail on the donkey. I don’t know all the terms, patterns and forms. I don’t always get the rhyme or metre right – but its fun and there are new forms like free verse and somehow it allows me to express things I otherwise might not have said.

Then along came The Month of Poetry (MoP) . The challenge of MoP is to write one poem a day in the month of January. I was a little tempted – but really, one poem a day! But my friends Michelle and Nola said, “Go on, you can do it.” So I signed up. And I have had an absolute ball – both writing poetry, learning new forms, reading my fellow MoPettes poems, and receiving feedback.

I’m planning on signing up next January.

All of this is a long winded way to say – I am going to have to confess to being a poet. Maybe not an accomplished one, or a brilliant one – but a poet nonetheless.

I want to say a big thank you to Kat Apel – moderator and instigator of MoP.  I also want to encourage you, my reader, if you have desire to tinker with poetry, don’t worry whether you have the skill or not – don’t hold back, just let go of the hidden poet.

One of the forms I learned from one of my fellow poets during MoP was the Trimeric invented by Dr Charles A Stone.  It’s a neat little form. I wanted to give it a go – and I was taken by a verse in Isaiah that resonated with me. The result was my first Scriptural Trimeric.

The Good Shepherd

He gently tends his flock
gathering little lambs in his arms
carries them close to his heart
shepherding those who have young.

Gathering little lambs in his arms
holding them tight and secure
our fears he softly calms.

Carries us close to his heart
hammering strong in rhythm of love
only prideful fears can push us apart.

Shepherding we who have young.
Scaling the depths of mother-father love
To his footsteps we have clung.

Based on Isa 40:11 NIV

© Jeanette O’Hagan 16 January 2014

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  • Kat Apel says:

    This was a beautiful trimeric, Jeanette, and so inspiring in many ways -including the fact it encouraged others to experiment too with Bible-based trimerics, too. It’s a lovely way to ponder God’s word in your heart.

    So glad you could share your talent for poetry with us. x

  • Jenny says:

    Thanks Kat. Yes, it’s been great seeing what Nola, you and others have done with this way of reflecting on Scripture. And thanks for MoP – the Trimeric wasn’t the only great poetic form I learned about from the other participants. It was a wonderful experience.

  • Nola Passmore says:

    Hi Jenny and Kat – The trimeric was certainly the favourite form I learned during MoPs. Have done three so far, but will be doing a lot more of them. It’s a great way to explore a scripture and tease out the meaning.

  • That was beautiful, Jenny. And thank you for introducing me to the Trimeric, especially as a devotional form. Like you, I was never into writing poetry. I enjoyed studying it at Uni but got no further than writing 3 (and only 3!) blank verse examples during that time. However, as a result of a music workshop led by our YP group early last year something poetic was unlocked, I think. Following that I began helping a young poet in my writers’ group as one of her readers. I learnt a lot from critiquing her work and how she went about it. Result? The last 2 readings I have given at my w/group have been rhyming verse. I reckon I’ll give MoP a go next year!

  • Jenny says:

    Hi Nola. It was fun doing MoPs together. I agree it is a wonderful way “to explore a scripture and tease out the meaning.” :) I’ve got another couple Scriptural Trimerics I plan to post over the next few days to make up a trio of trimerics :)

  • Jenny says:

    Thanks Rhonda. That’s great that you are now exploring and enjoying poetry. I reckon you should give MoP ago next year. Look forward to doing it together with you.

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