Michelle’s Excerpt Tour

Posted by Jenny on Dec 4, 2013 in Book Reviews |

Debut author Michelle Dennis Evans gives us an exciting sneak peak at her YA contemporary novel Spiralling out of Control. Please welcome her.

Jenny, thank you so much for hosting me on your blog.

Make sure you read right to the bottom for your chance to win a $200 Amazon voucher.

Book blurb… Temptation, depression, seduction, betrayal … Not what Stephanie was expecting at fifteen years of age. Uprooted from her happy, all-girl high school life with a dream filled future and thrown into an unfriendly co-ed school, Stephanie spirals into depression. When charismatic high school senior, Jason notices her, Stephanie jumps in feet first and willingly puts all her faith and trust in him, a boy she barely knows. Every choice she makes and turn she takes leads her towards a dangerous path. Her best friend is never far away and ready to catch her … but will she push Tabbie too far away when she needs her most?

This novel contains adult themes. Recommended reading audiences 17+

Bio … Michelle Dennis Evans writes picture books, chapter books, young adult contemporary novels and enjoys dabbling in free verse poetry. Her debut novel Spiralling Out of Control and poetry collection Life Inspired both reached #1 in subcategories on Amazon in their first week of release. Michelle is passionate about seeing people grow and move forward in their journey. She lives on the Gold Coast with her husband and four super active, super fun and super time consuming children. Find Michelle and all of her social media links at MichelleDennisEvans.com

Book excerpt… Chapter 1 part b

A week later, her award-winning performance may as well have been a lifetime ago. She was sure their torturous drive from Sydney to Toowoomba would inflict post traumatic stress disorder. Stephanie’s sister, April, spoke after everyone in the car fell silent. “You nailed the solo last week.” “Yeah,” Stephanie said in a low voice, chewing a fingernail as she looked out the window. “But as if this stupid country town will have any good dance schools.” “I bet they’ll have a dance class at school.” April scratched a piece of cracked upholstery. “We’ll just have to wait and see.” Her mother faced the windscreen as she spoke. “We might have to check the cost first.” Her mother’s tone screwed with her heart. Dancing in competitions and being discovered now seemed as likely as getting hit by a meteorite. They arrived at the hotel after ten that night. Stephanie unclipped her seatbelt anticipating her escape from the confines of the family car. Her father stood at the locked office door talking on his mobile. A minute later he returned, shoving the phone into his pocket. “Blast!” He thrust open the car door and started the engine with a rev. The spinning tires sent a shower of loose gravel against the motel wall. Ping. Pang. The clatter alone would have woken the deepest sleeper. “What? John, what’s going on? Where are we going?” asked Stephanie’s mum. Her father drove off, red-faced and with his mouth clamped shut. “Diane, girls, this is it,” he said as he pulled into a driveway. “Our new home?” Diane said. John nodded as he climbed out of the car. “You’re not even sure of what our new home looks like?” Stephanie stared at her mother. “I’ve only seen pictures, you know that.” Her mother shook her head. “We don’t pick up the key until tomorrow.” Her father drew in a deep breath. “And it appears the whole of Toowoomba is booked up, including our room which they gave to someone else because we didn’t get here before closing hours. It’s rodeo season.” “What? That’s just not good enough.” Her mother’s voice bounced off the car windows. “Wasn’t there something you could’ve done?” “They gave our room to someone else. What did you want me to do? Go and tell them to get out?” Her father’s mouth formed a thin line. “One thing I do know … I can’t spend another minute in the car today. I’ll wait under the porch ’til morning. Try and get some sleep girls.”

From December 1 through December 16, the John 3:16 Marketing Network is hosting a Christmas Book Launch and Spiralling Out of Control is a featured book. As part of the event, the Network is offering a $200 Amazon gift certificate to one lucky winner. For a chance to win, go to and enter the Rafflecopter (toward the bottom of the page).

Michelle Dennis Evans xx Author


Joining the tour for the first time – you can find Michelle and a new excerpt each day at the following blogs:

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