Open Our Eyes
I wrote this poem about a month ago – when some politicians in Europe were calling for a ’stop the boats’ policy like Australia’s of huge numbers refugees dying at sea after fleeing among other things the ravages of ISIS. Thankfully, Europe rejected the idea of turning refugees back to the killing fields. Now, it [...]
Reflecting on Friendship
Last week I had to the opportunity to reflect on friendship as a guest on Michelle Denis Evans’ blog. Michelle is the author of Spiralling Out of Control, Spiralling Out of the Shadow and Life Reflections.
Friendship Across the Years
I didn’t come easily to making friends.
This verse in my poem ‘A Long Time Ago’ captures something [...]
Building on Bedrock
In 2011, a great many Australians have faced the full force of nature’s fury and many are still picking up the pieces. Across this normally dry continent we have faced searing fires (in the west) and (in east) incessant rain, raging floods, summer storms and powerful cyclonic winds. It was not so long ago that [...]
The Reason for the Season?
In the midst of the commercialised bedlam during the Christmas Season (and its aftermath), Christians seek to remind their neighbours and societies of what they claim to be the reason Christmas is celebrated in Western countries. They urge people to rediscover “the true meaning of Christmas”, to put “Christ back into Christmas” and to remember [...]