Open Our Eyes
I wrote this poem about a month ago – when some politicians in Europe were calling for a ’stop the boats’ policy like Australia’s of huge numbers refugees dying at sea after fleeing among other things the ravages of ISIS. Thankfully, Europe rejected the idea of turning refugees back to the killing fields. Now, it [...]
On Slaying Educational Dragons
Story Jeanette O’Hagan
Nestled in the curve of the Brisbane River, a sleeping beauty is beginning to wake from its summer slumber. Now quietly somnolent, the almost empty expanses of green manicured lawns, stately sandstone buildings and car parks will soon be a bursting [...]
Speaking Silence: Ordination of Women in Australia
I love waking up to Classic Breakfast each morning. A couple of mornings ago, (the morning before International Women’s Day), I was abruptly roused (in more ways than one) by the informational byte:
“What could we finally do [on this day in 1992]? Women were finally admitted to the priesthood in Australia with the ordination of [...]
Love – not death – is Eternal
I stood amid the crowd of silent mourners in the hot white light of midday. We watch as the pallbearers carry the dark coffin covered by a massive bunch of red Valentine roses. Slowly the bearers move toward the sleek hearse and gently slide in the coffin. We watch with barely a rustle as the [...]
Flooding Rains
The rain was relentless. For a couple of weeks it had poured out of the sky with only intermittent breaks. Every few days the sun half-heartedly peeked through the clouds for an hour or so. It was no surprise when on Monday flood warnings for the Bremer and Brisbane River were issued for Wednesday and [...]