About Jeanette

Jeanette O’Hagan first started spinning tales in the world of Nardva at the age of nine. She enjoys writing fiction, poetry, blogging and editing.

She is writing her Akrad’s Legacy Series—a Young Adult secondary world fantasy fiction with adventure, courtly intrigue and romantic elements. Her short stories and poems are published in a number of anthologies including Glimpses of Light, Another Time Another Place and Like a Girl. She has recently published her short novella, Heart of the Mountain and, in Mixed Blessings: Genrellly Speaking anthology, also a flash fiction ‘Space Junk’.

Jeanette has practised medicine, studied communication, history, theology and, more recently, a Master of Arts (writing). She is a member of several writers’ groups. She loves reading, painting, travel, catching up for coffee with friends and pondering the meaning of life.  Jeanette lives in Brisbane with her husband and children.


Some ways to connect:

FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/JeanetteOHaganAuthorAndSpeaker

Her websites:

Jeanette O’Hagan Writes http://jeanetteohagan.com/

Fantasy Trekkers  http://fantasytrekkers.com/

and of course Jenny’s Thread

GoodReads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/9833645.Jeanette_O_Hagan

Amazon Author Central

Twitter @JeanetteOHagan

Instagram https://instagram.com/bythelightof2moons/

Twitter: @JeanetteOHagan

Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/jeanetteoh/

Google + and Linkedin

For latest news on her writing & publications sign up to her Email Newsletter here.

Hi Lachlan

Yes, I was chuffed to see the change to my preferred rather than official name :) So thanks to Rosie or whoever fixed that for me.
Thanks you too for your comments. You make an interesting point that the switching back and forth may have raised intensity. I must admit I’ve been mulling on this and trying to work out what the logic of the order is and whether it could be done more effectively. How, I ask, would I write this story as a novel or short story? It wouldn’t necessarily be strictly chronological – even Siegel mixes the chronology up a little but starting with the state’s epidemiologist state Osterholm pondering on two cases of meningitis and receiving the third – and the dire implications. I think Polichetti’s beginning (without the initial summary statement at the top) is very effective.

Perhaps if the events were presented as major or minor crises that threatened the adoption and the Cunhas ability to keep caring? Something like – 1) inciting incident – the attack of Brendan, his body crushed, isolated in a dark, soundless world, flashback to the his bio parents and failure of authorities to recognise the threat, Kathy’s meeting and falling in love with Brendan – will John and the kids agree? (yes), Doctor’s gloomy prognosis – don’t expect anything of this child, court case on termination of bio parents parental rights (will it be successful?), the realities of caring for Brendan – the small victories and progress, major crisis – John’s stroke while Kathy is caring for her mum and Brendan, Kathy’s at her lowest ebb, cries at the beach, John’s car accident, financial stress – will this couple cope? resolution – some financial help, the couple’s determination to go on.



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